how to take the products




First you need 3 things: 
  1. Mentabiotics
  2. Edge
  3. Energy
  • Get a 24oz cup
  • Add 1 scoop of Mentabiotics
  • Add 1 packet of Energy+
  • Add 1 packet of Edge
  • Mix with frother/spoon/straw
  • Add ice + enjoy!

Notes: You can take each of these seperately, however, HAPPY JUICE is all 3!

Sensitive gut? No problem! For optimal results, start with the gut Reboot beforehand.

You can take on an empty stomach or with a meal. You can also begin with 1/2 scoop of Mentabiotics and work your way up to the full scoop within the first month if you feel bloated - remember good bacteria is being introduced to your gut. TRUST THE PROCESS! 

  • 2 Ignite at bedtime ( if you find it keeping you up take them in the AM)
  • 1 GBX Fit in morning 
  • 2 Mood in morning

The Ignite and Mood+ are Adaptogenic Herbs, which rather than specifically “increase” or “decrease” certain hormones, they aid your body in balancing the metabolic hormones and stress hormones that it already has. It will work with your reproductive hormones(estrogen/progesterone/testosterone) stress hormones (cortisol/seratonin) and metabolic hormones (insulin/dopamine/glucose) 

If your hormones are super low, this will feel like an increase. If they are high, it will feel like a decrease. But overall, what is happening is that your body is coming into balance again.   

Then the GBX Fit is a probiotic based capsule that gets to work in the gut and corrects the signalling the body needs for you fat loss. 

  • wake up in the morning feeling like p diddy 
  • pop one gbx fit on an empty stomach 
  • mix your happy juice which is your edge, energy and mentabitoics in a big tumbler full of water
  • take digestive and burn 🔥 at lunch and at dinner 
  • 1 gbx in AM 
  • mix your edge with water 💦 this can be taken any time but I prefer morning
Yay i’m so excited for you to start on your health journey. The reboot is AHHHHMAZING! 🤩 
It comes in a sleeve with 12 capsules:
2 with breakfast on day 1
2 with B and Lunch on day 2
2 with B, L, Dinner on day 3
Do that while avoiding processed foods and eating more ‘whole’ foods like fruits/veggies for 3 days - easy peasy!

It is a gentle reset (reboot) of the gut microbiome - not an intense detox or cleanse where you’re in the bathroom all day

highly recommend staying consistent for a good 90 days to give your body a chance to reap all the deep level benefits. I’m right here beside you along the way and can help you tweak your regimen as needed. I’m so excited to see how this helps you!!  

"Since being on Happy Juice, I've lost 6 lbs! That wasn't even the reason I started.

I did it for the energy and focus and to rid myself of the brain fog which has been amazing! The weight is an added bonus and I"m so excited to continue my journey!

- Nikki fenske

let's get you healthy

your gut health
affects every organ

Learn more about the products that took me from being at my all time low, depressed, overweight, anxiety ridden to thriving.