work with me

the opporunity

I’m speaking to my past self and quite possibly you. I was sick of living pay check to pay check. I didn’t want to clock in and rise up the corporate ladder to get a dollar raise every year if i was lucky. I had no social media experience, zero followers but i was determined to switch the narrative of my story.

When I started my business, I had a goal to make  $1000 so I could stay home with my babies and help contribute- that $1000 turned into 1800 x that. I've been able to use social media and scale my business to a multi 7 figure business. I am looking for driven, self-led, no excuses, speed of implementation type of women who really do want to change their story and are ready to buckle up, do the work, and make magic

If that sounds like you, you're in the right place.

Not only have these products transformed my body & mind, I have had more success in this business in the last 4 months than I did in FIVE YEARS with another company.

- Kristen D.

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"Working with Megan has been an incredibly positive experience."

She possesses a strong leadership style that inspires and motivates our team to perform at our best. She consistently looks out for our best interests. 

- Ashley Colberg

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"I've lost 6 pounds. That wasn't even the reason I started!"

I did it for the energy and focus and to rid myself of the brain fog which has been amazing! The weight is an added bonus and I'm so excited to continue my journey!

- Nikki Fenske

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